> tika,
> You've already gotten some great answers from other folks. I'll only add
that you should also check out the Stripes example applications.  They are a
great way to see easy to understand examples of real world use cases. 
Welcome to Stripes!
> -- Rick
> On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 9:02 AM, tika
<trimtostripes-re5jqeeqqe8avxtiumw...@public.gmane.org> wrote:Hi all.
> I haven't been programming web apps for a long time and now I want to rework
> one of my apps from Struts 1 to something else. It seems to me that,
> compared to other web frameworks, Stripes seems to be appropriate for my
> needs and flavour. My question is regarding the book about Stripes. It was
> published in 2008 and I'm wondering what part of that book is still valid
> for Stripes 1.6?
> Second, I will also vote for JsonBuilderFactory as my favourite is genson
> library.
> Kind regards. Tika.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thank you all.

Yes, I'm aware of the existence of the new book about Stripes but wanted
some more info about "Stripes: ...and Java web development is fun again".
I'm very glad to hear it is still valid. It says a lot about framework.

Thank you for your tip Rick. I usually use to say that framework example
applications can be considered as a best framework usage patterns so are
something that should not be avoided.

Is there some forum about Stripes?
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