
I'm waiting on a call in the post below about the nested tags. I know they're
not everyone's favorite component, but I do need committer attention to form
the game plan as it's not the typical "bug fix".

It's hard to form a consensus opinion on the one response I have.

Copied below for convenience.


Original Post_______________________________________________________________

Defenders of the faith,

Just a small one to say the problem of of not being able to run the nested
apps in Tomcat 4.1.18's funky Jasper engine has been tackled.

I'd commit it, but the codebase being under release conditions, and for the
fact that it's no simple few line "bug fix". The internals have changed to
leverage the request object more completely (was originally just used to
enable the recursive JSP markup). The NestedPropertyHelper has been gutted
mostly re-implemented, and all the nested tags have been touched to
accomodate the change. Instead of walking the tag hierarchy, all the child
tags now pick up on the nested reference within the request object directly.
The property handling is now more pessimistic, and resets everything it
touches. All effort was made to respect all the minor changes the tags have
undergone in fixing past bugs.

The fact that most of it has changed means that I don't want it in this
release, but the fact that it allows people to deploy in the latest tomcat
release is important, something blocking an upgrade path for a lot of

What about, once the release is out, then the update to the tags committed,
and release a bug-fix release for the new nested tags (1.1.1)?... kind of
1.0.2 was to 1.0.1?...

Too unstable for 1.1 so close to release, but too important to let it slip
over a year for it to come out.

Needless to say it works on my apps :), but I'm asking the nested tags user
base to jump onto it and give it a test run to see if it works for them. For
those nesters looking on, there's a jar at...

 ...just throw it into the WEB-INF/lib directory, your classloader should
pick them up before struts.jar. If not, delete the tags from struts.jar and
give it another bash.

Anyways, just thought I'd put it forward.


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