I'm not if this has ben pointed out before (way too much email at the moment)
but I find that the <html:options> tag has some discrepency in the collection
attribute. At the moment I do this:

<% pageContext.setAttribute("catalog", ((SystemManager) 
        <html:select property="<%= \"skillTree.skill[\" + ((SkillEntry) ((Map.Entry) 
entry).getValue()).getParentId() + \"].entry[\" + ((SkillEntry) ((Map.Entry) 
entry).getValue()).getSkillId() + \"].years\" %>">

            <html:options collection="catalog" property="value.id" 


Sorry about the long property value, I have fairly heavily nested structures at the 
(A subject for a longer email).

I would expect the html:options collection to be more like the logic:iterate 
collection and
take something like

            <html:options collection="<%= some collection here %>" property="value.id" 

so I didn't have to set a pageContext as I do now before the html:select tag.

Any comments?

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

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