I don't know a lot about Cocoon, but I believe it is similar to Struts in
that it has a "master" servlet which is awakened by requests matching a
particular expression.  In that sense they are mutually exclusive.
Sometimes I'm tempted to consider the benefits of combining the two but I
always end up realizing its not an improvement.  For example, if you want
some view feature of struts, it would be better to do it in XSL with Cocoon,
not combining the two.

One way I can see a combination is where the app is basically struts, but an
include page (either through frames, templates, jsp:include or @ include )
is sourced from Cocoon.  Basically a portal with a window into Cocoon, since
iteraction with Cocoon is just a URL.  But still the two frameworks act

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rapheal Kaplan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 3:26 PM
Subject: RE: XSL instead of JSP

> I intend to try to implement a way of using Cocoon with Struts.  It should
> actually not be extraordinarily hard.  Has anyone else done something
> similar?

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