John Yu wrote:
> But, it is desirable that the object used for populating the form and the
> object used for submitting from a form is the same one. Right?

It's desirable that the objects use the same property names, but after 
that ... not so much. =:o)

What is coming up from the web is more than the properties we
store in the business tier. To get the most use out of the ActionForms
and the framework, they should also include HTML API properties. 

For example, there are many places where a "dispatch" field is useful on
a form, and should be captured by the ActionForm. But this property has
no place in the business tier. Likewise for any button fields and 
many varieties of hidden fields.

Meanwhile, the model bean may have several business methods that would 
not be called from the presentation tier. But putting them on the 
ActionForm exposes them to the user-agent, where they may be 
misused either accidentally or by design. 

Just because this is Java doesn't mean we can't write unsafe Web 
applications. Using a model bean to process a request is like 
sending CGI input directly to a shell script. You are giving the
user-agent direct access to your object's entire API, including
that of all of its subclasses.

So, it's true that some of the properties on an ActionForm and some of
the properties on a model bean may be related by name. But they are not
the same data. At least not yet.

The ActionForm contains a *proposed* state change to the model or one of
its beans. As Web developers, it's our job to confirm that the state
change is reasonable (validate the input) and ~then~ update the model. 

IMHO, trying to take a short cut here is really the long way around.
You start placing unnatural requirements on the business tier.
Better to follow the general Java practice of more beans with fewer
properites, rather than fewer beans with more properties. I don't
know if that's KISS or not, but it's gotten us this far =:0)

A question to ask is whether the goal is to "develop a Struts Web
application" *or* to "develop an application and put it on the Web 
using Struts". 

If it's the former, then sure, use ActionForms for the model too and
embed all your business logic in Actions and ActionForms. 

If it's the latter, then be very clear about where your application ends
and Struts begins. 

To paraphrase Yoda, the former is "faster not better" ... and, in my 
experience, only faster at first.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
-- Developing Java Web Applications with Struts
-- Tel: +1 585 737-3463
-- Web:

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