On Sat, 1 Mar 2003, John Yu wrote:

> Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2003 16:34:07 +0800
> From: John Yu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Short term plans
> At 11:46 am 01-03-03, you wrote:
> >JSTL (and JavaServer Faces, when it becomes available) require Servlet 2.3
> >and JSP 1.2, so they are not even an option for a very significant portion
> >of the Struts user community.  Thus, it would be irresponsible to abandon
> >our focus on ensuring the quality of the Struts tag libraries -- and this
> >would be true even if Struts was a commercial product instead of an open
> >source package.
> With respect (too :-), what criteria should/would the (developer) community
> use to strike a balance, both ensuring the quality and relevance of Struts
> taglibs (JSP 1.1 dependent) and migrating users gradually to JSTL (JSP 1.2
> dependent)?
> For instance, in a recent feature request:
>    http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17535
> As David, the recently crowned MVC (what an acronym), pointed out the
> requested feature for <bean:message> is already available in JSTL
> <fmt:message>. Is there an easy litmus test for Struts users to guestimate
> if an enhancement is worthwhile requesting?

Good question.

I think there are multiple perspectives for asking for enhancements,
all of them valid.  Some examples:

* "I need it" -- This particular feature would help me out right
  now, without disrupting my entire app by forcing me to upgrade
  to the "latest and greatest."

* "Lots of people need it" -- This particular feature would be
  generally useful to lots of people using an existing version
  of Struts (think about how many add-on libraries and tags work
  fine with 1.0.2 based apps).

* "I want to work on it" -- If we are limited by the number of
  developers working on Struts and we want those folks working
  on the future stuff, nothing stops us from adding some more
  developers that want to continue to enhance the existing tags.

  NOTE -- this perspective is the most critical for actually
  getting anything done :-).

There's nothing wrong with people operating from any and all of these
perspectives simultaneously.  In all cases, of course, patches that
actually *implement* the new feature (rather than just an enhancement
request asking for it) is a lot more likely to get the thing actually
done (modulo timing delays when we're trying to get a release out the
door).  And, if you do that enough times, you're likely to find yourself
operating from the third perspective and welcomed as an additional Struts
developer -- and people who want to do that would be welcomed.

A fourth perspective that is also valid is to be future looking:  "what do
we want a future Struts to look like" without being as much concerned
about existing users with their day-to-day real life problems.  We haven't
spent a lot of time (yet) talking about that on the STRUTS-DEV list -- at
least partly because I've been afraid we would dive into those (fun)
discussions and sort of ignore the fact that 1.1 isn't out the door yet
:-).  It's certainly time to start articulating our thoughts and desires
on this, so we can come to agreement on a coherent roadmap.

On the particular issue of the existing Struts tags, at this point I can
only state my own interests and plans:

* I'm interested in enabling the convenient use of JSTL and
  JavaServer Faces technologies with an existing and future
  Struts controller environment.  I'm not *personally* going to
  focus on maintaining and enhancing the existing tag libraries,
  but it would be ridiculous and counter-productive to suggest
  that others who want to work on them should not -- I apologize
  if *I* have ever implied that in my previous comments.

* I'm interested in separating the core controller part of
  Struts (which I personally consider to be the most important
  part) from the current somewhat tight integration with the
  JSP tags as the view layer.  Organizationally, this might well
  mean independent releases of the core and appropriate view
  technology libraries (and perhaps its even time to think about
  becoming a top-level Apache project like Ant, Avalon, and a few
  others have done -- but that's for a separate mail thread)

* I'm interested in decoupling the controller part of Struts
  from its current heavy reliance on the Servlet APIs.  Among
  other things, that would enable easy use of Struts in portal
  servers that will support the emerging portlet API (JSR-168).
  You've also heard Ted and others talk about the need for a
  good controller paradigm in the business tier as well as the
  view tier.  We know how to build such a thing :-).

* I'm interested in continuing to support Struts users that cannot
  drop everything and instantly move to the latest and greatest
  API versions.  For example, it's still way way way too early to
  think about Struts 1.2 being based on Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0
  (the currently emerging standards that are part of J2EE 1.4).
  I would contend that making Struts 1.2 dependent on Servlet 2.3
  and JSP 1.2 might still be premature as well -- much as I would
  like it (from both a Struts perspective and a Sun perspective :-),
  the whole world just isn't running on J2EE 1.3 yet.  Now, I'm
  certainly game for add-on packages that require the newer spec
  versions (like struts-el and the upcoming Faces integration),
  to encourage people to move -- but forcing them to switch (or,
  worse, cavalierly leaving them behind) is not good for customer

  <Side note to Vic -- this is the same reason why making
  Tomcat 5 dependent on JDK 1.4 instead of 1.2, as you've
  suggested there, is premature at this point IMHO.>

My personal preferences on the immediate future are to make Struts 1.2 an
evolutionary path for existing 1.0 and 1.1 users, but adopt a "release
often" model of 1.2.x releases like what the Apache HTTPD server does, and
what Tomcat 4.1 and 5.0 have adopted -- release a new milestone when
you've added a new feature or two, or fixed enough bugs to be worthwhile.
At the same time, Struts 2.0 discussions should commence, and some early
milestone work will emerge in parallel.  The two development cycles need
to overlap (to avoid a huge gap between 1.2.x and 2.0.x later on), and
that's all fine -- it's the natural order of software to have overlapping
version trains.  And the 1.2 train will certainly include continued work
on the existing Struts tag libraries, to the extent that people want to
work on them.

All of this, of course, is *my* preferences and desires.  The nice thing
about open source is that you're not stuck being limited by your own
(sometimes tunnel) vision and available energy.  The developer and user
communities that have grown up around Struts show all the signs of a
group that can come to consensus around a future road map, and work on
various aspects of it in parallel, with the usual synergies you get when
more than one smart person works on a problem.  I'm looking forward to
this future.

> regards,
> --
> John Yu                       Scioworks Technologies
> e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         w: +(65) 6873 5989
> w: http://www.scioworks.com   m: +(65) 9782 9610

Craig McClanahan

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