Sorry for re-post but I hadn't subscribed when I posted before..

We are attempting to add Struts-menus to our application.
We have 2 problems that I can't seem to solve even thought I have looked
through the demo app. and the mail archives.
We are using Tiles to define our pages - the tile-def, base layout and menu
jsp are shown below.
The first problem is that the layout of our page has a vertical navigation
bar along the entire left side of the page.
We can't seem to get the Strut-Menu to appear in the correct location unless
we change the setting oCMenu.fromleft=138 to get it to start on the
rightmost edge of the navigation bar even though the BaseLayout.jsp has the
Menu.jsp inside a table that is located outside the left navigation bar.
When the menu is displayed it overlaps the data  displayed by the "title"
defined in the Tile-def .
Second problem is that a button is very close to the menu. When the menu is
dropped down it the submenu items fall behind the buttons and can not be
read or clicked.

The tile-def looks like this:
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <!DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC "-//Apache Software
Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration 1.1//EN"
          <definition name=".base"
            <put name="title" type="string" value="Base Layout" />
            <put name="menu" type="page" value="/JSPs/Tiles/Menu.jsp" />
            <put name="message" type="page" value="/JSPs/Tiles/Message.jsp"
            <put name="content" />
            <put name="leftnavbar" type="page"
value="/JSPs/Tiles/LeftNavigationBar.jsp" />

The BaseLayout.jsp looks like this:
        <%@ page language="java" session="true" %>
        <%@ taglib uri="struts/tiles" prefix="tiles" %>
        <%@ taglib uri="struts/html" prefix="html" %>
        <%@ taglib uri="struts/bean" prefix="bean" %>
                <tiles:useAttribute name="title"/>
                <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<html:rewrite
page='/Graphics/banner.css' />"/>
                <title><tiles:get name="title"/></title>
        <body style="marginwidth:0;marginheight:0">  
          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
              <td bgcolor="#CC0033" valign='top'>
                <!-- Left navigation pane tile inserted here -->
                <tiles:get name="leftnavbar"/>
              <td valign="top">
                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
                  <!-- Menu tile -->
                  <tr bgcolor="#CC0033" style="height:10%">
                      <tiles:get name="menu" />
                  <!-- Banner -->
                  <tr style="height:10%" >
                    <td class="bnr" align="center" valign="center">
                      <h1 class="bnr">
                        <tiles:get name="title"/>
                  <!-- Error Messages tile -->
                      <tiles:get name="message" />
                  <!-- Content tile-->
                      <tiles:get name="content" />

The Menu.jsp looks like this:
        <%@ page language="java" session="true" %>
        <%@ taglib uri="struts/tiles" prefix="tiles" %>
        <%@ taglib uri="struts/html" prefix="html" %>
        <%@ taglib uri="struts/struts-menu" prefix="menu" %>
        <script type="text/javascript"
        <script type="text/javascript"

        <menu:useMenuDisplayer name="CoolMenu"
            <menu:displayMenu name="AMenu"/>
            <menu:displayMenu name="BMenu"/>
            <menu:displayMenu name="CMenu"/>
            <menu:displayMenu name="DMenu"/>

I'm sure we missed something simple but after looking around the example app
and the mail archives for a number of days we can not resolves these 2
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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