Personally, I consider MVC frameworks to be commodities. It doesn't really matter which you use use. The real point of the exercise is to treat web applications like applications, rather than some throwaway hack.

Which framework is best for a particular project is going to depend on the project, and more importantly, the people working on the project. Most any tool can do the job, so long as the people using the tool *want* to make it so.

Right now, I'm using Struts on some projects and Maverick on others. It's all the same to me. I push as much of the work back to the business layer as possible, so the frameworks boil down to adapters. The question to ask is not "am I using the 'right' framework now", but "how easy would it be to switch to another framework later".

No one can make tomorrow's decision today. All you can do is try and design applications that can adapt to tomorrow when it comes.

Right now, wafer is tracking over twenty different Java frameworks.

Each of which have their own special talents. JPublish, for example, is great for content management. Sofia has dynamite Dreamweaver support. And so forth.

Of course, the best part is that these frameworks are not mutually exclusive. It all comes down to HTTP. You can have as many of these frameworks working in a web application as you like.

It's not an election of remedies, it's an embarrassment of riches.


Hi all,

Altough this might not be the right place to ask, but I'm just curious.

Recently I see a lot of different frameworks which pretty much promise the same functionality as the Struts framework.

For instance I found:


Which one is the best? I have been using Struts for some time now... But maybe some other framework has more future then Struts.????
I would like to hear your opionions...



Harm de Laat
The Netherlands

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