If you are using JSTL you can do this:

<tile:useAttribute id="titleKey" name="title"><bean:message key="${titleKey}"/>

if that doesn't work, try this:

<c:set var="titleKey"><tiles:getAsString name="title"/></c:set><bean:message key="${titleKey}"/>

Caroline Jen wrote:

In general, the tile works fine for me except the
"title" piece.
<tiles:getAsString name="title"/>
<tiles:get name="header"/>
<tiles:get name="message"/>
<tiles:get name="content"/>
<tiles:get name="navbar"/>

In my tiles-def.xml, I have:

<definition name=".article.Menu"
<put name="title" value="article.Menu.title"/>
<put name="content" value="/article/content/menu.jsp"/>
<put name="navbar" value="/article/common/navbarMenu.jsp"/>

The problem is that my application displays


in the browser, instead of going to the
application.properties (which is in the
ApplicationRoot/WEB-INF/classes/resources folder) to

article.Menu.title=Registered Members

What should I do?

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