> I.E. 5.0 and 5.5 generate unique session ids for each simultaneous
> browser session.  However, both Netscape 4.7 and Netscape 6 return the
> same Id.

What do you mean by simultaneous browser sessions.  If you create a new window
CTL+N in IE5.0 you get the same id. (Is this simultaneous?) 

I thought that both netscape and IE generate new id's if you launch the browser
from the desktop.  I also thought both netscape and IE use the same id's if you
create a new window from an existing window.  

I use IE5.0 for my testing and this is that way it works, at least with the
build from 01-28-2001.  I can create a new browser window from the current one
and both have the same jsessionid.  

I'm using Tomcat4.0-m5 for my testing.  I don't know what you are using.

Are you using the <html:link> for all of your links?  And are you using
<html:action> for all of your actions?  I found that if you don't you will have
a problem.  It's either all or nothing.  If it's nothing your on your own.  At
least that has been my experience.  


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