I did build Ant on one of my two Linux installations (which was fun because
I had to pgp decrypt the source tars first), but the other one together with
my NT 4.0 install both have binary downloads of Ant1.3 running.  I just
tried building Ant on my NT installation and I still get the same problem.

I also started copying some jars into the ant lib optional directory, but
there are quite a few listed in the Library Dependencies section.  Does
anyone know where this TraXLiason class lives?


David McLure

>From: "Deadman, Hal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Struts Beta 03 Build Problem
>Message-ID: <001b01c0f030$0052b290$e7d9cac6@bdshdeadman>
>Did you get the ant binary distribution or did you build ant yourself?
>Building ant yourself may get you a version of ant that supports fewer
>depending on what is in your classpath when you build it. Certain classes
>such as org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.TraXLiason don't get built
>unless certain things are found in your classpath when ant is built.
>If you have the pre-built ant distribution, make sure the optional ant jar
>files are in your classpath. PostgresSQL probably doesn't use the ant style
>task which uses org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.TraXLiason.

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