When I give the index="true" attribute, it gives me following error

"Attribute index invalid according to the specified TLD"

-----Original Message-----
From: suhas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: Iterate tag update

Do u have setter methods in the Product class  like - setQuantity(int qty)
 Also U need to have indexed iterate tag written by Dave Hey . So u can use

<html:text name="product" property="quantity" size="3"  index= "true"/>
Here is the ActionForm

public Product [ ] getProductList( ) {
    return this.productList;
public setProductList(Product [ ] productList) {
    this.productList = productList ;

public Product getProductList(int index) {
    return  (Product)productList[index];

Remember have proper setter methods in the Product class like setQuantity
 int qty )


----- Original Message -----
From: Vaibhav Patil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 1:02 PM
Subject: Iterate tag update

> Hi,
>     I am using logic:iterate tag as follows to print a table with text
> boxes.
>         <logic:iterate id="product" name="productSearchForm"
> property="productList">
>         <tr>
>           <td align="left">
>             <bean:write name="product" property="productNumber"
> filter="true"/>
>           </td>
>           <td align="center">
>             <html:text name="product" property="quantity" size="3"/>
>           </td>
>         </tr>
>         </logic:iterate>
> I have a array of objets(Product) in productList. When I update the
> and submit the page, it does not update the information into the
> productList.
>     What might be the problem???
> Vaibhav

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