Personally, I would tend to want to stand pat on the Struts tag
extensions while the JSPTL is being sorted out. Ideally, I believe we
would want to include a bare minimum number of tags with Struts, and
leave everything else to places like Jakarta Taglibs. It's possible that
Nial might want to propose his Taglibs over there, for wider
distribution. We'll probably be moving our own logic tags there too

An important point generally is that Struts is not meant to be an
omnibus platform for Web development. We do not want to include
everything any developer might ever want to use to write an application.
Struts is designed as a lightweight platform that fills the gaps between
Servlets, JavaServer Pages, i18n, and a MVC type design. We included
some general purpose tags to begin with, because when we started, places
like Jakarta Taglibs and the Commons didn't exist. Now that they do,
we'll be moving whatever functionality we can over there, so Struts can
focus on only doing the things Struts absolutely needs to do. 

When Craig decided to name the framework Struts, I think part of what he
had in mind was that the less of it that shows, the better ;-)

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463

"Dudley Butt@i-Commerce" wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just want to know wether Nials extra logic tags will ever be put into the
> Struts build?
> Thanx
> Regards,
> Dudley Butt

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