
The bean:define tag simply exposes a bean as a scripting variable by adding
it to the page context:

// from DefineTag.java
pageContext.setAttribute(id, value, inScope);

Now one can access the bean by 
<bean:define id="title" value="test"/>
Value of title: <%= title %>

I did the same within a custom tag I wrote but I cannot directly access the
bean as a scripting variable:
<x:mytag id="title" key="test"> // the tag retrieves some key and stores it
in the bean "title"

Value of title: <%= title %> 
causes an "Variable title not defined" exception,


Value of title: <%= pageContext.findAttribute("title").toString() %>
works fine.

Before anyone asks: I have to use scriptlets, because I want to nest the
output within another struts tag.

Thanks for your help,

Markus Wittwer

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