If you are not using framesets - I would suggest
looking at using tiles or templates.  These allow you
to include header,footer,menu,body type layouts within
the jsp -- here you would just reference the jsp file.

--- John Nikolai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all!
> I have an action-mapping with one action element.
> This action element defines 
> an input attribute used for when an error occurs in
> the form. I was 
> wondering if it is possible for the action elements
> forward element can do 
> the same thing as the input attribute?
> Let me explain:
> We have a navigation system in place and the
> navigation is dependent on where 
> the user is located in the web directory hierarchy.
> http://localhost/dynamic/form.htm
>  - Contains <HTML:form> and form elements
>  - The navigation is properly created, highlighting
> "form" in the left hand 
> navigation
> When a user submits the form and an error occurs the
> URL changes to the 
> following:
> http://localhost/dynamic/formHandler.do <params>
> The errors are reported and the form.HTML file is
> redisplayed. The important 
> thing here is that the navigation remains the same.
> That is to say that 
> "form" is still highlighted in the left hand
> navigation...
> Now when the form is successfully filled out I want
> to display a "success" 
> page BUT keep the left hand navigation intact with
> "form" highlighted. I do 
> not want to redisplay the form again, rather just
> show some simple text 
> saying the form was successfully submitted. I have
> tried messing around with 
> the forward element, setting the redirect attribute
> to true/false, as 
> well as changing the path too. 
> - I set the path to /dynamic/form.htm but then the
> form is redisplayed.
> - I set the path to /dynamic/success.htm but then
> the navigation will not 
> display properly.
> - I set the redirect to "false" but that did not
> work either...
> Is it possible to have the success page be rendered
> like the error page, 
> minus the form fields?
> Thanks for your help,
>  - John
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