Hi again ..
I am quite new to struts  .. hope someone will take time to go through my
query which I am reposting  ( if not I am gonna come back with a more catchy
subject line !! ;-) )

Thankx in advance (again)

HI all
I've encountered a situation as follows

1. I have a 'UserInfoContainer'  form bean which contains a Vector of
individual 'UserInfo' objects.
2. Each UserInfo object is iterated through using the 'iterate' tag in the
3. Some 'UserInfo'  data (say 'NickName' ) is displayed in a text box so
that the user can modify it.

Every thing is going fine till now. The trouble is once I submit the form
and retrieve the 'NickName' from each UserInfo object in the
UserInfoContainer object passed to the perform method , it doesn't reflect
the modifications user entered in the text box. Basicaly the data entered by
the user isn't set back to each UserInfo object by the Action servlet.

I've read in the struts docs that the iterate tag copies each object in the
collection ( in my case the userinfo veactor) to a page scope bean
referenced by the value of 'index' attribute. So I guess the values in the
text boxes inside the iterate tag never gets set to the original objects in
the FormBean.

A. Is my understanding correct ?
B. Am I doing somethimng wrong here ?
C. Is there any way to tackle this problem?

I am at present using lots of request.getParameter methods to get the values
edited by the user. But it really does increaase dependency between the JSP
pages and  the action classes. SO I wonder whether that is the correct way
to go even ...

FYI : 'UserInfoContainer' is a session scope formbean.
Thankx in advance

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rajoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 7:58 PM
Subject: Newbie: Iterate tag : Object properties not updated to form bean
from JSP

HI all
I've encountered a situation as follows

1. I have a 'UserInfoContainer'  form bean which contains a Vector of
individual 'UserInfo' objects.
2. Each UserInfo object is iterated through using the 'iterate' tag in the
3. Some 'UserInfo'  data (say 'NickName' ) is displayed in a text box so
that the user can modify it.

Every thing is going fine till now. The trouble is when I retrieve the
'NickName' from each UserInfo object in the UserInfoContainer object passed
to the perform method , it doesn't reflect the modifications user entered in
the text box. Basicaly the data entered by the user isn't set back to each
UserInfo object.

I've read in the struts docs that the iterate tag copies each object in the
collection ( in my case the userinfo veactor) to a page scope bean
referenced by the value of 'index' attribute. So I guess the values in the
text boxes inside the iterate tag never gets set to the original objects in
the FormBean.
A. Is my understanding correct ?
B. Am I doing somethimng wrong here ?
C. Is there any way to tackle this problem?

I am at present using lots of request.getParameter methods to get the values
edited by the user. But it really does increaase dependency between the JSP
pages and  the action classes. SO I wonder whether that is the correct way
to go even ...

FYI : 'UserInfoContainer' is a session scope formbean.
Thankx in advance

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