Yes, the ActionForms exist to provide an input buffer for the HTML
controls, just so that you can validate the input, and either return it
for correction, or commit it to a business layer object. 

The second, very important, service that ActionForms provide is to act
as a firewall between the untrusted HTTP layer and the rest of your
application. The Struts reflection mechanism can populate any property
on your ActionForm, whether you put it on a form or not. This is a very
important reason why ActionForms are not an interface. Most existing
objects are not sufficiently paranoid to be exposed to the Web tier,
where anything can happen. (: And usually does :)

In practice, the ActionForms themselves are often just wrapper objects,
with the real intelligence residing in classes in the business layer.
The less done with an ActionForm, the better.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Building Java web applications with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web

Alex Colic wrote:
> Thanks a lot I really appreciate all the advice. It really helped me out.
> One thing you said really surprised me. You said:
> >For ActionForms, my preference is to use larger generic form beans. They
> >are really a throw-away object, and linking them too closely to a
> >hierarchy can be a waste of time.
> I have been doing the opposite of generic forms. My forms usually consist of
> objects within object. For example I might have an invoice object that has
> and employee and a part object within it. It would have been faster for me
> to make on big flat form but I thought that it would be better to break it
> up amongst a number of objects. Looking back though, most of my forms all
> they do is collect data that is used somewhere else.
> Something for me to think about.
> Thanks
> Alex

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