Of course, if we want to get _really_ esoteric, then all the exception table
searching and popping back to new PC locations is likely to be slowly
executed on a state-of-the-art processor, as these unpredictable jumps will
play havoc with the processor instruction pipelines...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Galbreath, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 7:01 PM
Subject: RE: Basic (esoteric) Question

> Thanks, David...very interesting.  Too often, I think, Java programmers
> error handling for granted and do not think past the compiler objecting to
> an unhandled possible error condition by insisting that the exception be
> thrown or caught.  I think it's clear that the decision to declare an
> exception thrown in the method signature is much less costly than a
> try-catch-throw new block.  And I'd be willing to bet even fewer consider
> alternative error handling than the try-catch block. It's clear this can
> have a major impact of the performance of an application.
> This just came into my head as I was sitting here coding yesterday
> I turned to several of my colleagues and asked if anyone knew the
> performance ramifications of throws vs. try-catch and no one did.  Looking
> at the Java exception handling mechanism from the JVM level is
> Mark

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