This is only a debugging type suggestion, but you could put your interate inside of a 
<logic:present name="user" property="schedule" >
                    SCHEDULE WAS FOUND
                 <your iterate>
                 </logic:present>  tag and make sure that the collection is being 


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/31/02 08:36am >>>
Can someone help me with this <logic:iterate> question? Thanks.

Struts example command:
        <logic:iterate id="subscription" name="user"

I read it as:
        "user" is the bean, "user.subscriptions" is a Collection
        (Vector or Array) in that bean, and each element in the Collection
        will be referenced as "subscription".

If that's correct, why am I getting this error:

        javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean jobRequest in scope

for the commands:

        <logic:iterate id="jobRequest" name="user" property="schedule"
          <td><bean:write name="jobRequest" property="name"

Since there's no error on the iterate command, I assume that Struts did find
the bean "user" and the property "schedule".
Why then did it not find jobRequest? And why was Struts looking in scope
Shouldn't the bean "jobRequest" be in the same scope as "user"?

Appreciate any help.

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