I am new to using mailing lists but I guess  you'll find a reason for 
the silence following your question by having a look at :


Hereafter a short part of it :

" (...)
Use meaningful, specific subject headers

On mailing lists or newsgroups, the subject header is your golden 
opportunity to attract qualified experts' attention in around 50 
characters or fewer. Don't waste it on babble like "Please help me" (let 
alone "PLEASE HELP ME!!!!"; messages with subjects like that get 
discarded by reflex). Don't try to impress us with the depth of your 
anguish; use the space for a super-concise problem description instead.

I hope it can help, Regards Patrick

Arik Levin ( Tikal ) wrote:

>Hello out there...
>            I asked this question yesterday, but with no luck. No a single
>             can anybody help me with this ????   HELP !!!! @#@#@#@#####
>Hi everybody.
>      I'm new at struts, but I have tried it and It's just what our company
>wants to our project, and hey... you did a great job.
>      BUT, I have to use some dynamic property because a lot of forms at our
>app. is dynamic. Thus, I have found at the mailing list a
>DynamicProperty zip file so... I have compiled it to the struts jar and did
>the example but I have this small problem.
>            At this section:
>      <jsp:useBean id="mainForm" type="xtest.actions.DynPropForm"
><html:form action="/xtest/jsp/inputDetails.do" method="get">
><% for (java.util.Iterator iter =
>mainForm.allDynamicPropertyNames().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
>            String propName = (String)iter.next(); %>
><%=propName%>: <html:text property="<%=propName%>"/><br>
>    }
>            I get an Exception:  blab la...." Could instantiate bean
>'mainForm', neither 'class' nor 'beanName' were specified "  bla.. bla..
>            So as I see it, the bean thru struts is not in session scope, so
>I don't have this bean so I'm  ...beeep!
>            If someone out there can help me with this issue , it would be
>great, but if not I think I'll have to write something else and I don't want
>that !!!
>            By the way, is there any chance to know when is the next release
>???  thanx bye  Arik.

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