> I need an answer to this in a hurry
It's a big question - a hurried answer might be wrong.

> not had luck searching the archives.
but there's lots of stuff there!

Has anyone got this logic in a live system & can comment from practical experience?
Hidden fields are passed into the form bean by struts (if they have a corresponding 
setter method)
same as visible fields.

So in your set of web pages each has every field on it. For each page the irrelevant 
fields are
hidden. That would be OK. I suspect you might get problems if the user breaks up the 
flow of your
app - the data in the request could get lost. 

Many people use a form Bean in the session which has every field in it. This keeps 
your jsp's
cleaner (no hidden fields). You may have unwanted data left in the session if user 
complete the work flow. Also problems with session timeout when user didn't want to 
lose the data.

Me I love databases & like to store things there, with status codes to indicate if 
data is valid
&/or complete.

For a little app I think your hidden fields theory is OK. If you are writing a Bank 
opening app, I'd use a database, you can't lose the data by mistake, which would annoy 
potential customer.

You could write a big article on this stuff & argue all day!


--- "Folbrecht, Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry for the basic question, but I need an answer to this in a hurry and
> have not had luck searching the archives.  All I need to know is: what is
> the best, simplest mechanism to handle standard "feed-forward" data in
> struts?  I.e., you have a multi-part form, and the data from the first must
> be stored (probably in hidden fields) in subsequent forms so it's all
> available in the post from the last page (form).  Of course I do not want to
> store it in the session.  I should be able to simple use form:hidden tags on
> the 2nd and subsequent pages, right?  But how do I populate them from the
> incoming request?  Thanks!!
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