>>>>> "Matt" == Matt Raible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Matt> I've completed this task - however, it would've been MUCH easier to just use 
    Matt> properties file.  Of course, it could just be my experience with XML parsing 
    Matt> because I had to write a lot of code to grab 4 simple varaibles.

    Matt>               // Get the XML Document
    Matt>         DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory =
    Matt> DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    Matt>               DocumentBuilder builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Matt>               Document doc = builder.parse(is);
    Matt>               // close the input stream
    Matt>               is.close();
    Matt>         // get the repository root
    Matt>               NodeList rep = doc.getElementsByTagName("root");
    Matt>           Node node = rep.item(0);
    Matt>         Text rootDir = (Text) node.getFirstChild();
    Matt>         config.setRepositoryRootDir(rootDir.getNodeValue());

    Matt>         // get the assets directory
    Matt>         rep = doc.getElementsByTagName("assets");
    Matt>         node = rep.item(0);
    Matt>         Text assetDir = (Text) node.getFirstChild();
    Matt>         config.setAssetDir(assetDir.getNodeValue());

You might take a look at JDOM.  It's a bit easier to use than the straight DOM
api.  The web site (<http://www.jdom.org/>) has links to several articles and
example code.

David M. Karr          ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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