
I am nearing the completion of the code and it should be on sourceforge in
the next day or two. I will be following it up with documentation and
examples over the next week.

FYI - I am finishing up an overhaul on the code so that it fits into the
container managed security and yet provides the neccessary flexibility that
many of us need (i.e multiple login pages, prelogin capabilities, and
maintained logins).

I have accomplished this by creating a plugin of sorts. This plugin uses two
mechanisms a Filter Class and a Servlet Class. I have named the Servlet
Class "Security Controller Servlet" because it handles the validation
against the conatiner managed security by receiving the form calls and
preparing the container to validate. The filter works to identify protected
urls which are specified in the security.xml file.

Set up should be pretty easy:

Within your web.xml you set up a "bogus" security-constraint that uses the
"Security Controller Servlet" as it's error page and login page. Also, the
"SCS"(Security Controller Servlet) is set as the 403 error page (forbidden

You also set up the SecurityInit class to initialize upon app start in the

Also set up is a security.xml file that defines various Security Constraints
that map to different login pages. So that if someone request it takes them to the shopping login page versus
if someone request it would take them to the admin
login page. Another convienience is that you can login from any page you
want to. You don't have to hit a secure url first. You can have a login/pass
on your homepage or even an auto login that uses cookies.

When you start your app up the security.xml file is read into an Application
scope bean that provides the info for the URL Filter class to screen
protected URLS.

The nice thing about this is that all of the programmatic methods are
available to do container based role checking.

This is good because many api's like "tiles" and "struts menu" are looking
to take advantage of these methods more and more.

I have not tested this code on other containers. It uses RequestDispatcher
and response.sendRedirect() classes and methods inconcert with a Filter. So,
behavior may be different on various containers. I am testing it now on
Tomcat 4.0.3. A Servlet 2.3 container is neccessary. Other dependencies are
commons-digester from Jakarta.

This security is not struts specific. But, is developed to fit into a struts

Anyhow, I'm working hard to get this up and I hope it suits many peoples
needs. I am sure there are many other features that we could add to it. I
have been working in a vaccuum on this so when it is realeased things may
need to change. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 4:49 PM
Subject: struts security

Good evening Brandon,

I read of your work on the archives and I would like to check out your
solution.  I've been looking for a clear cut security solution but have not
found one yet.  Please
let me know when I can get a hold of your code and any examples you may

Thanks much.

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