Is there any way for debugging to get a reference to the ActionErrors 
instance that is saved into an http request with saveErrors(req, err)?

I'm having a problem with <html:errors /> not displaying errors that 
should be in it.  It's not an ApplicationResource properties problem 
since I've used the key before and am merely moving my html:errors tag 
to a new page.

The only thing I can think of is one of the following.

        - my errors are being wiped out before the jsp with the <html:errors /> 
tag is reached?  But how?

program flow

where P is a jsp the request is invoked from; X and Y are extend Action.
P -> X -> Y (error entered) (params changed) -> X -> Y -> P (display errors)

No other point are errors saved into the request, all is processed over 
one request.

Any suggestions?




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