I have an ActionForm which I would like to pre-populate before struts
populates it with values from the request.  The pre-population of the form
depends on one parameter in the request.  I get the parameter inside of the
reset(...) method on the form, and proceed to pre-populate the form.  This
works fine, when the form was submitted using a GET.

The problem occurs when the form is a multi-part "POST".  Since the simple
getParameter("xxx") does not work, I need to "consume" the request while
looking for the pre-populate parameter.  When I return from the reset, I get
a n exception:

javax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is: javax.servlet.ServletException:
Multipart data doesn't start with boundaryjavax.servlet.ServletException:
Multipart data doesn't start with boundary      at
partRequestHandler.java:103)    at
org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(RequestUtils.java:922)     at
org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(RequestUtils.java:846)     at
com.myprofiles.client.web.component.ComponentForm.reset(Unknown Source)

I assume this occurs because I have "consumed" the request and there is
nothing for DiskMultipartRequestHandler to do.

Is there a way that I can "peek" at the request during the reset(...)
operation, get the value I need, "load" my form with default data, and
proceed with normal processing?  Alternatively, I can continue to consume
the request, but have struts ask me for the handler instead of creating a
new one.

Furthermore, the reset is being called twice on my form during the
RequestProcessor.process processing.  Once inside of
RequestProcessor.processActionForm and another time during processPopulate.



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