multiple select boxes tag - dynamic selectionHi Raj

 Just include the Value atttribute in the html mutibox tag and give the to highlighted

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rajesh Pradhan 
  To: Struts Users Mailing List 
  Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 11:32 AM
  Subject: multiple select boxes tag - dynamic selection


      Here I have a group of select boxes and depending on the value selected 
previously I try to

      highlight only that label.

      I have set the values of selected option in the Action but when it comes to jsp, 
it takes only the first value that is set for

              the first select box and applies it to all the select boxes.

      it simply ignores the set values of other select box that are set in action.

      Here is the code.

      <logic:iterate id="qcTransMaster" 





                      <td width="5%" align="left"> 

                          <html:multibox property="selectedItems">

                              <bean:write name="qcTransMaster" property="msQCErrorId" 



                      <td width="50%" align="left" nowrap>                

                          <bean:write name="qcTransMaster" property="msQCErrorName" />


                      <td width="5%" align="right">  

                          <html:text property="msDefectCnt" size="3">                  

                      <bean:write  name="qcTransMaster" property="msDefects" />        



                      <td width="30%" align="center">  

                          <html:text property="msComments" size="35"> 

                      <bean:write  name="qcTransMaster" property="msComments" />       



                      <td width="10%" align="left">

                           <html:select  property="msRootCause">

                            <html:options collection="RootCauseData" 


                                          labelProperty="label"  />





      Any help would be really great .

      Thanks & Regards,

      Rajesh Pradhan

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