---------------------- Envoyée par Olivier Schmeltzer/QVI/GRAF/FR le
27/06/2002 17:44 ---------------------------

Olivier Schmeltzer
24/06/2002 15:58

cc :
Objet :     Is ActionMappings shared by all the servlets ?

Hi !

I am very confused by what is taking place inside my app.
To separate different business logics, I am using two different servlets,
both managed by Struts (version 1.0.2, I have to precise) inside the same
webapp. To do this, I specified two different struts-config.xml files
inside my web.xml description file. The 'home' servlet (extension *.home)
has a home-struts-config.xml file ; the 'logon' servlet (extension *.logon)
has a logon-struts-config.xml file.
When I request a 'logon' action, everything is doing OK ; I request then a
'home' action : still OK. When I am requesting the previous logon action, I
have an error that comes from the fact that the ActionMappings instance
that the controller servlet is using is the home one. So, of course, the
mappings don't match and I can't retrieve an action class for this mapping.
How is this possible ? Are these instances shared in some way ? I don't
think so since two instances have been created but at some point there is a
Does this problem come from my using two different servlets with Struts
inside the same webapp ?
Thx for any help !

Olivier Schmeltzer


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