Marius Gabor wrote:

> Hi, Eddie!
> I'm sorry!!! I thought that the massage wasn't posted, that's the 
> reason I did it many times!!! In my mailing list, the thread doesn't 
> seem to be open. So, please excuse me for being so silly! That's for 
> all, not only for you. :) 

Subscribe to the mailing list ;-) It's *very* high-traffic, but you'll 
get faster feed-back.  ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - I 

> So, my problem is: I have some JSPs and in taglibs. In one of the JSPs 
> I set a couple of hidden fields in my ActionForm. The problem is that 
> by clicking a button, the values are sent as parameters, i.e. they can 
> be only read. I think that when I set these values as attributes, the 
> values are gone by clicking the button. The problem is that I need 
> them when I click 1st time and by a second clik, I want to delete 
> them. It sounds more complicated than it is, actually... 

Any current implementation details we should be aware of?

> For now, I tried with deleteAttribute() and all kind of tests. I'll 
> try now with setAttributes, but so far I know that will bring not so 
> much.
> As I sad, I thank for any help in solving my problem.
> Marius 

My guess (man I hate to guess) is that you've got some piece of 
javascript attached to the onsubmit= attribute of your form.  This 
script is trying to modify your hidden variables' values.  Am I warm? 
 So you have something like:

<... onSubmit="return foo(this);" ...> on your form.

then you have something like:

function foo(form)
    form.someHiddenField.value = "some value";

    return true;

You still haven't really given enough details - this is an absolute 
guess at what you're trying to do.

There's not really a way for you to "delete" the parameters from the 
form (that I am aware of) using JavaScript (I think this what you were 
wanting to do, but I don't understand your statements well still). 
 Remember:  This is a *parameter* you're messing with here - *not* an 
attribute.  If you want to get it, you're going to call 
request.getParameter("name") - *not* request.getAttribute("name");  I 
think maybe you are confused on this - these are totally different 
things - apples and pickles.

Does this rambling help any?!  Restate your problem, again, and be as 
deliberate (thorough/detail-oriented) with you description as you can 
about your problem and attempted implementation.

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