> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> I'm already thinking that the Database should be on a 
> seperate server, 
> but I was wondering about JBoss and Struts, would it be OK to 
> have them on the same server or would it wise seperate them 
> on their own boxes and have them communicate via the network?
> What are some of the hardware configurations that you folks 
> are using that are giving good results? Where are the 
> bottlenecks? Thanks

Ahh, very tricky question.  It all depends on the load you are
expecting.  So you need to take a guess at the number of concurrent
users, how often a user action will result in an EJB call, etc.  Areas
of concern to you should be:

1) EJB calls, a client will use RMI (and a JNDI lookup) in order to call
methods on a remote EJB.  This is a network hit.  Jboss can do 'in JVM'
EJB calling, so if Jboss is running in the same VM as the servlet
container it will not go via the network layer.  I suggest you read up
the Jboss docs about that.
2) SQL calls.  If the database is remote all statements will cause a
network hit.

Personally, if I had a system that was going to be hit hard by users I
would split all three and possibly look at clustering portions dependant
on the bottlenecks.  Exactly where the bottlenecks will occur is
dependant upon your application and impossible to gauge here.

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