I do not think it is possible to submit a form from an href without using
javascript. Either use a button or javascript.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mondkar,Paresh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 11:03 AM
Subject: Problem in submitting form in Struts 1.0.2

> Hi,
>    I would appreciate if someone can help me out in the following
> problem.
> The problem is that initially I was using javascript functions
> function go(){
>    document.form.action = "/TrialServlet";
>    document.form.parameter.value = "go";
>    document.form.submit();
> }
> and calling the above function in html as shown below
> <a href="javascript:go()"><img src="/image1.gif" border="0"></a>
> Note that value is a hidden parameter in the html. Which helps me to
> identify what action to take.
> In the above case I am submitting my form to same TrialServletand
> in the servlet I am checking for request.getParameter("value")
> if it "go" then some action is performed else (say save)
> different action is performed.
> Now i want to do the same thing in struts 1.0.2 and without using
> javascript.
> I have used the DispatchAction class
> so I also have to specify the method parameter.
> Currently I have used,
> <a href="/trial.do?method=processOpenAsmt"><html:image src="/image1.gif"
> property="value" value="go"/></a>
> the above tags are not working and form does not get submitted to that
> servlet mentioned in the action attribute of the form tag. Due to this all
> the form parameters are not available in the Action class.
> I also tried using the below given 3 methods: -
> <html:link href="="/trial.do?method=processOpenAsmt">
> <html:img src="/image1.gif" property="value"
> value="go"/></html:link>
> <html:link forward="="/trial.do?method=processOpenAsmt">
> <html:img src="/image2.gif" property="value"
> value="go"/></html:link>
> <html:image src="/image1.gif" property="value"
> value="go"/>
> Can anyone help me out......I would appreciate the help.
> Regards,
> Paresh.P.Mondkar
> --
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