Actually, one of the options that I considered was using paging tags, and
displaying the data say 20 or 50 records at a time. However, the users may
have a need to see all the data at once in a "data storm" situation. There
may not be as many rows, but its not impossible, so the application has to
be able to handle it gracefully.



-----Original Message-----
From: David Graham [mailto:dgraham1980@;]
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: WebLogic/Struts/JSP performance woes...

I've not experienced this but 1760 rows seems like a lot to me.  Will your 
users be able to view and process all this info?


>From: Davide Bruzzone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: WebLogic/Struts/JSP performance woes...
>Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 13:43:26 -0700
>Greetings all...
>I'd like to try to find out if anyone else out there is using WebLogic
>(We're using version 6.1 SP2) with Struts and/or just JSPs that might have
>some performance tips that they might be able to share...
>Here's what's happening:
>I have a page that, for test purposes, is generating a 1760 row table (Not 
>gigantic table by any stretch of the imagination). Although I don't expect
>our data sets to be this big all the time, I need to make the application
>responsive (i.e. If it starts displaying rows immediately - while its still
>spitting out other rows - that's fine. What's unacceptable is if the
>application takes a while to do whatever its doing, and doesn't generate 
>output until its done, leaving the user with a blank page while they wait).
>I started out using Struts on the page, and found that the performance
>wasn't good enough. So I converted the portion of the page that loops
>through the contents of a collection of objects and creates the output to a
>scriptlet - the reasoning being that I could perform the relatively simple
>processing more directly/with less overhead if I just did it directly).
>Performance improved somewhat, but I'm still faced with the problem related
>to the fact that I don't get any output immediately (regardless of how long
>the whole page takes to generate).
>I've tried what seems like an endless combination of alternatives, with
>mixed results (And that's one of the problems... I seem to get wildly
>different results even with exactly the same code!). Here's what I've 
>- I've set the buffer page directive to "none"
>- I've tried to remove any Struts tags from the page in different
>combinations (with mixed results)
>- Since the page originally used templates (We're using Struts 1.0.2), I
>tried to remove those, and have just one page (Again, with mixed results)
>- I've added out.flush() at the end of each loop iteration (The intention
>being that the server should spit out the row as soon as its done with it).
>I've also added logging to the JSP to see how long each step is taking, and
>as I've said, I keep getting mixed results (Both when I use our real data,
>and, say, a loop that prints out "Hello" one million times). Sometimes rows
>seem to start to display before the server is done, and sometimes they
>don't. Sometimes the loop takes a long time to process, and sometimes it
>doesn't... Here's some sample log output for the loop:
>%%%%%%%%%%%: Done with initialization... Starting loop... Fri Nov 01
>13:17:49 MST 2002
>1557934 [11-01 13:17:49:512] INFO  [ExecuteThread: '11' for queue:
>'default'] ( - #########
>###########: Flushed... 0
>1559871 [11-01 13:17:51:449] INFO  [ExecuteThread: '11' for queue:
>'default'] ( - #########
>###########: Flushed... 500
>1561934 [11-01 13:17:53:512] INFO  [ExecuteThread: '11' for queue:
>'default'] ( - #########
>###########: Flushed... 1000
>1564527 [11-01 13:17:56:105] INFO  [ExecuteThread: '11' for queue:
>'default'] ( - #########
>###########: Flushed... 1500
>1566074 [11-01 13:17:57:652] INFO  [ExecuteThread: '11' for queue:
>'default'] ( - %%%%%%%%%
>%%%%%%%%%%%: Done with loop... Fri Nov 01 13:17:57 MST 2002
>So I know that the server is able to process 500 rows of output in 63
>milliseconds (See the difference between row 0 and row 500). However, I'm
>still getting this lag time before I start to see any output.
>If I'm doing something wrong with regard to Struts, and can get the rows to
>display as soon as they're available, I'm perfectly willing to use Struts
>(or whatever other approach works). Does anyone have any experience in this
>area? Any help would be greatly appreciated...
>Davide Bruzzone
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