Because I need to allow the user to come and go from the form before the
"final" submit, I need to hold off on validation until that point.  So I've
got validate="false" (that was a gotcha!) in the <action> tag and I'm now in
my LookupDispatchAction doing the validation manually:

How does this look?

      ActionErrors er = ((ContactForm) form).validate(mapping, request);
      if ( !er.isEmpty() ) {
         request.setAttribute("org.apache.struts.action.ERROR", er);
         return ( mapping.findForward( "edit" ) );

Can someone point me to where in the struts source code this is done
"automatically" when validate is set to true in the <action> tag?  I've
grepped through the source code for 'ERROR' but there was too much!


Wendy Smoak 

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