If you're trying to conditionally hyperlink the contents of a certain column
of the current row then you'll have to use a Decorator.  The current row of
the list is not exposed in a scripting variable or scoped variable.  For the
reason why see


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 12:01 PM
> Subject: logic:equal and EdHill Display taglib
> Greetings,
> I'm currently using EdHills Display taglib to iterate over some search
> results and render them
> in a table. I would also like to hyper link the contents of a column if
> certain conditions apply.
> In short, I'm looking for a way to expose the iterator element so
> that I can
> use the
> </logic:equal .../>.
> Looking at the the code in appears that TableTag publishes the iterator
> element to the
> pageContext as an attribute named "smartRow" (see getHTMLData()).  This
> becomes the default
> name if a name is not supplied by ColumnTag. This implies that I should be
> able to gain
> data access to the "smartRow".
> I tried <logic:equal name="smartRow" property="myProperty" value="myValue"
> scope="page">stuff</logic:equal>
> and I keep getting an exception that says the following:
> "javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No bean found under attribute
> key smartRow"
> I even tried a scriptlet to just print the contents of the element and I'm
> getting an NullPointerException (because I call toString() on the object,
> which
> apparently is null)
> Is there an easier way, or am I missing something?
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> robert
> --
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