Does anybody know if the container should be setting the contextClassLoader
on the current thread when it loads the various listeners configured in

The particular behavior we're seeing is that the contextClassLoader for the
thread launching our listeners (both context and session) is not a weblogic
specific loader (whereas other classloaders are).  This causes a problem for
us because we have our own commons log factory that we use, but because we
specify this in a property file in our web app, the listeners are using a
contextClassLoader that doesn't have access to the web app, which causes
commons to default to using simpleLog or whatever the default is.

I know a lot of you are familiar with the Servlet spec (or wrote it in some
cases ;)    Can anybody tell me if this might be a bug in weblogic or if it
is the expected behavior (or best case, point me to some documentation that
will explain the way this should work in a web container)


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