I need to populate the options in a multiple select box dynamically from
javascript.  The property that is being populated is an array of strings.  I
have that set up and working with no errors, but I don't ever get anything
back in my array.

For example, say I declare

<html:form name="theForm" blah blah blah>
<html:select name="ids" type="myActionForm" multiple="true">
<!-- note the conspicuous LACK of option tags here -->
....more stuff here...

and then later on, via JavaScript, I do something like:
theForm.ids.options[theForm.ids.options.length] = new Option("Some
Value","Some Text");

I have that working, where the multiple select box is populated and changes
dynamically, but when I submit the form, I get a zero length array in
String[] property myActionForm.ids -- grrr!

I'm using Sun Studio so I can debug and trace and everything.  I find that
when the ActionForm is created, it calls all the right stuff, but when the
fields get populated after the input form is submitted, all the non-multiple
select fields get handled, but it never executes the method "public void
setIds (ArrayList ids)" nor does it execute the method "public void setIds
(String[] ids)" -- I had to create both those methods to get past all the
introspection stuff.


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