I have an ActionForm in session scope.  I cannot open two separate
browser windows at the same time to do edits, because they will share
the session form bean declared in struts-config.xml .

The easiest solution I can think of is to be able to dynamically alter
the form-bean name property from a static treeForm, to treeForm41,
treeForm43, for example.

I don't think this is possible with struts - can anyone confirm this
before I spend a lot of time implementing a new solution?  I cannot put
the ActionForm in request scope because I have to share bean properties
and this particular bean cannot *easily* be passed using a String
conversion to form parameters.

Another solution I've considered is wrapping the bean properties in an
XML format, passing that as a form variable, and reassigning to the bean
in the Action class.

Any thoughts or comments are much appreciated.


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