Did that jsp code come through?  my webmail removed it from my side...

-------Original Message-------
From: Jason Vinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 02/24/03 11:37 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: bean:write issues... or a better solution

> Hi folks,

I am using a container class (a collection referenced by queuesName) to
hold data for populating a select list, and I can't access the internal
strings with the getter and setter methods i have written.  I have included code 
and can elaborate if needed.  Can anyone tell me what I am overlooking...
or should i try it with an Iterator tag instead?


<html:select name="spgQueuesForm" property="queueSelected" size="1"
    <html:options property="queuesName" value=<bean:write
name="spgQueuesForm" property="objid"/>>

[stack trace]
Mon Feb 24 11:29:00 EST 2003:<E> <WebAppServletContext-spg> Root cause of
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method for property objid of
bean spgQueuesForm
[/stack trace]

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