I looked through the archive before posting this, but there was just so much
stuff in there about forms and select that my eyes glazed over and I gave

What I want to do is have a series of items from a database appear on a
page, in a table, each one to a row.  At the end of the row, in one column,
I want to have edit and delete buttons that refer to the specific item by
primary key.  I can do this in other scripting languages by doing stuff like

<% for variable = 1 to whatever %>
<form name="editItem<%=variable.loopcounter%>" action="editpage"><input
type="submit" value="Edit"></form>
<% next/loop/end/whatever pick your scripting language %>

but with struts/JSP if I say

<logic:iterate id="bulletin" type="BulletinForm" name="bulletinVector">
    <td class="bulletindate"><jsp:getProperty name="bulletin"
    <td><jsp:getProperty name="bulletin" property="message"/></td>
    <td valign="center" align="right">
    <html:form name="editBulletinForm<%=bulletin.getId()%>"
action="editbulletin" type="BulletinForm">
    <html:hidden property="id" value="<%=bulletin.getId()%>"/>
    <html:submit value="Edit"/>
    <html:form name="deleteBulletinForm<%=bulletin.getId()%>"
action="deletebulletin" type="BulletinForm">
    <html:hidden property="id" value="<%=bulletin.getId()%>"/>
    <html:submit value="Delete"/>
<tr><td colspan="3"><hr width="100%"/></td></tr>

That doesn't fly because <%=bulletin.getIds()%> doesn't get expanded within
the <html:form> tag.

SURELY someone has done this with struts.  Help?

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