Perfectly clear.  The hidden field got the job done.  Thanks so much for the detailed 


-------Original Message-------
From: Becky Norum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 02/27/03 11:26 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Re: Retaining values through multiple actions

> Jason,

I apologize for being unclear earlier.  You can setParameter using a
HttpResponse, but that's not what you want to do in this case.  Let me
give you an example of request scope and forms using some of my work. 
This should clear things up:


   has hidden field: id=87
ACTION CLASS: SaveMetadataAction

HttpRequest has id=87 in its scope
I also do: request.setAttribute("temp", "test");

forwards to "recurse_action.action" to generate a treeview.  

ACTION CLASS: RecursiveAction

HttpRequest still has id=87 in its scope as well as temp=test  and uses
it to create the tree.  

To access id, I have to use request.getParameter("id") because it was
submitted using a form, which sets things in parameters.  To access
temp, I have to use request.getAttribute("temp") because I set temp as
an attribute.

This class forwards to project_view.jsp for display where id is _still_
87 (access as a parameter), and temp is _still_ test (access as an
attribute) because all I've done all this time is forward the request

Forwards _forward_ the request, so everything saved in request scope in
the initial form should still be available.  You don't need to append
the parameters as such.  Just put them in the appropriate request, and
forward, and it should still be available.

Does this make sense?
Becky Norum
Database Administrator
Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems (CenSSIS)
Northeastern University
<a target=_blank

On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 10:29, Jason Vinson wrote:
> hrmm....  is there way to append parameters on an action mapping from

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