Aris Kyriakidis wrote:

> What is your opinion on JDeveloper 9.0.3?

I'd like to hear the people's opinion on JDev 9.0.3 as well, especially 
regarding the Struts support. 

I used JDev 9.0.1 and 9.0.2 on a quite big project with my custom struts 
integration and it was just horrible. 9.0.1 was very very buggy. Although 
9.0.2 fixed some problems, some conceptual ideas were still, well, strange, 
to say it politelly. I guess 9.0.3 provides some taglibs to ease the struts 
integration, but the basic concepts are still the same (opening and closing 
the connections within a JSP page, JSPs are more than just a view etc).

What other people think of JDeveloper 9?


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