Try encapsulating all the three beans in one bean.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 8:21 AM
Subject: Multiple beans in request scope?

I'm building my first real struts app. (Okay, its also my first real Java
app, my first real servlet app and a bunch of other firsts, but who's
counting? :-)

I'd like to present a form that contains a few selection lists, with values
taken from a few tables in my database.

Let's say the lists are:
1) A list of documents the user can have sent to him
2) A list of transport methods he can choose (ftp, email, snail mail,
3) A list of credit cards that we currently accept.

Obviously, these are logically disparate lists, so I would rather not create
a form-specific bean to encapsulate all this information.

What I'd *REALLY* like to do is have a DocsBean, a DeliveryOptionsBean and a
CreditCardBean that each load themselves from the database. And in a perfect
world, I'd like to be able to specify (in the action tag of my
struts-config) that form UserOrder wants all three of those beans loaded
into the request scope.

Is that possible? It appears to me that the action tag only takes a single
formbean name, so I am assuming I have to find a different way to do what I
want. Any suggestions?

Failing that, I suppose I could chain together a couple of actions: a) a
pre-action that would load my beans for me and then b) the actual forward to
the userform.jsp. But that seems a bit tedious. (Why write by hand what
could be abstracted out and built into the next version of Struts?)

I've got lots more questions, but I'll try to keep them in separate threads.


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