Since this isn't as clear as it could be, here's an example for anyone who

> (this class adds or updates a bulletin on a message board; all data access
> goes through a central service called the "DataStore")
> public final class UpdateBulletinAction extends Action {
>      public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
> HttpServletRequest request,  HttpServletResponse response)
>  throws Exception {
>  ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
>         DynaActionForm dynaForm = (DynaActionForm) form;
>         UserView user =
> (UserView)request.getSession().getAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY);
>         if (((String)((DynaActionForm)form).get ("id")).equals ("0")) { //
> ID = 0 means we're adding a bulletin
>                 try {
>                     BulletinView bv = DataStore.getNewBulletinView();
>                     bv.setAccessLevel ((String)dynaForm.get
> ("accessLevel"));
>                     bv.setMessage ((String)dynaForm.get("message"));
>                     DataStore.addBulletinView (bv);
>                 } catch (ViewRecAddException e) {
>                     servlet.log("An error occurred while user " +
> user.getName() + " was adding a bulletin:\n" +
>                       e.toString());
>                     e.printStackTrace();
>                     errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR,
>                       new ActionError("error.databaseerror"));
>                 }
>         } else { // Since we have an ID, we're updating a bulletin
>                 try {
>                     BulletinView bv =
> DataStore.getBulletinViewById((String)dynaForm.get("id"));
>                     bv.setAccessLevel
>                     bv.setMessage ((String)dynaForm.get("message"));
>                     DataStore.updateBulletinView (bv);
>                 } catch (ViewRecLoadException e) {
>                     servlet.log("An error occurred while trying to get
> bulletin ID=" + (String)dynaForm.get("id") + " for update by user " +
> user.getName() +
>                       ":\n" + e.toString());
>                     e.printStackTrace();
>                     errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR,
>                       new ActionError("error.databaseerror"));
>                 } catch (ViewRecUpdateException e) {
>                     servlet.log("An error occurred while user " +
> user.getName() + " was updating bulletin with ID=" +
> (String)dynaForm.get("id") +
>                       ":\n" + e.toString());
>                     e.printStackTrace();
>                     errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR,
>                       new ActionError("error.databaseerror"));
>                 }
>         if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
>      saveErrors(request, errors);
>             return (new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()));
>         }
>         return (mapping.findForward("success"));
>     }
> }
> so to refer to a property of a DynaActionForm within an action, you do
> something like
> DynaActionFrom dynaForm = (DynaActionForm) form;
> // variable "form" comes from method execute's signature
> someVariable = (className)dynaForm.get("propertyName");
> // to get the property; DynaActionForm.get(String property) returns an
Object, so you have to cast it
> dynaForm.set("propertyName", someVariable);
> // to set the property; the class of the second parameter is, again,

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