On Sat, Mar 15,'03 (11:13 PM GMT-0500), Sreepuram, wrote: 
> I just need a help ,how to generate dynamically dropdown , when the
> options are in a hashtable r vector , please help me , send me the
> code which will be useful.

There are tons of examples of this in the archives and in the
documentation...but anyway...:) 

For a Map:

<html:select property="yourProperty">    
<html:options collection="someMap" property="key"

For A Collection of FooBar beans:

<html:select name="yourFormName" property="yourProperty"> 
<html:options collection="nameOfCollectionInScope"

PS - As you progress through Struts keep up an open text document of
things you do so you can refer back to it...that's where I got this
from..my StrutsNotes.txt


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