I'm curious as to what change you had to make to the struts source code?

I certainly haven't had to do that, although I thought it was pretty
slick to be able to extend the framework by providing your own rules...

The XML can be a little verbose, but to quote a Dire Straits song,
you don't get 'your money for nothin' and chicks for free'...


I  guess if you didn't want to 'clutter your XML', you could just
rely on the user to provide valid inputs :)


On Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 09:43 PM, David Vittor wrote:

Dear Struts World,

Hi! My name is David, and I'm writing to make a formal announcement about the validation package in the struts architecture.

Based on this article: Strut your Stuff http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-12-2000/jw-1201-struts_p.html
it comes up with a very good architecture to do validation (although I18N would be nice also). Still a simple regular expresion attribute and an error message is nice. However I found that to implement it - a change to the struts source code is required!!! (This is sooo WRONG!!)

But as the struts architecture is only at a Candidate Release, I was wondering if along with the <validation:javascript> tag, the html tag library could produce something simple (like something not requiring 10 lines of xml for every single fields input?) It's totally unmaintainable.

Can anyone help me?


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