Navjot Singh wrote:
Hi Vic,

Properties File Attached. Remember, the logging takes the formatter
specified in props if called from command prompt.
When i called from servlet, it take XMLFormatter by default. However, if you
give BasicFormatter, it picks up SimpleFormatter.

It just refuses to pick my customer Formatter from Servlet.

Use this to read file
   LogManager logman = LogManager.getLogManager();
   FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename);

I am looking for something that would work in a Webapp, formbean, etc.
Above would not open a file relative to WAR. You would have to use the servlet context, to be WAR relative.
Anyway, no WAR sampleusing jdk1.4 out there, I went back to automatic log4j.



Use this to test the config set

  LogManager manager = LogManager.getLogManager();
  // Get all defined loggers
  Enumeration names = manager.getLoggerNames();
  while (names.hasMoreElements())
       String loggername = (String)names.nextElement();
       Logger logger = manager.getLogger(loggername);

       System.out.println("Logger name: >" + logger.getName() + "<");
       System.out.println("Logger level: " + logger.getLevel());

       Handler[] hs = logger.getHandlers();
       for(int i=0;i<hs.length;i++)
            System.out.println("\t" + hs[i].toString() + "#" +
hs[i].getFormatter() + "->" + hs[i].getEncoding());

----- Original Message -----
From: "Vic Cekvenich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Navjot Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 10:46 PM
Subject: jdk14 log

| Can you send me the properties files and the command that read it? | I am trying to get JDK1.4 log to work in struts. | thanks | .V | | |


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