I have the following definition in my tiles-config.xml:

    <definition name=".login" extends="baseLayout">
        <put name="title.key"  value="login.title"/>
        <put name="heading.key" value="login.heading"/>
        <put name="content" value="/WEB-INF/pages/welcome.jsp"/>

baseLayout has a path of:

<definition name="baseLayout" path="/layouts/baseLayout.jsp">

In baseLayout.jsp, is it possible to retrieve the definition's name (i.e.
".login").  I'd like to use this in my <body> tag as an id, so after the
login definition is rendered, I'll have:

<body id=".login">

My reason for wanting this is so I can specify minor CSS tweaks on a
per-page basis.  This idea was inspired by



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