And in your deployed WAR file, a file named "" is
in the directory "WEB-INF/classes/resources"?

In times like this, if I can't figure out why something isn't finding a
file I think it should find, I like to set up a "file I/O monitor", that
basically tracks all system calls, and allows filtering or searching for
various strings in the output.  In Windows, I tend to use a tool called
"FileMon", you can get from  Unices have
similar tools.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alonso, Damian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I currently have a Struts 1.1 application that I am currently moving
> use
> frames and tiles.  I am still not sure if my <html:errors/> is not
> because I am using frames, or because it is not reading the
>  This is where I need your help! :-)
> When I expect an error, I was getting the expected error on my form
> As read in other posts, I wanted to check if my errors where actually
> getting processed, so in my struts-config.xml file, I added the
> to
> my message-resources definition.
> <message-resources parameter="resources.application" null="false"/>
> After putting the null="false", I was able to get my Error Key to
> in
> the page but it didn't translate to the message I have in my
> file.
> This is what I now see:
> Any ideas on why I cannot see my error messages??

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