It's not much, but I believe the "roles" attribute isn't strictly
available with the JSTL.  For most uses, the EL works fine.

> -----Original Message-----
> The README.txt file in the contrib/struts-el folder explains what JSTL
> tags to use in place of the "missing" Struts tags.
> But I'm not sure why <logic-el:present> and <logic-el:notPresent> were
> implemented in Struts-EL.
> What can you do with those tags that you cannot do with JSTL?
> How does using logic-el:present/notPresent differ from:
> <c:choose>
>   <c:when test="${empty}">
>     display something
>   </c:when>
>   <c:otherwise>
>     display something else
>   </c:otherwise>
> </c:choose>
> Just want to make sure I know what I'm missing by preferring the JSTL
> to something in Struts-EL.

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