The Struts-EL library is in the "contrib" directory of the distribution.
It first appeared in the 1.1beta3 release, although until the next RC or
final 1.1 release comes out, I recommend using the nightly build, to
avoid a couple of bugs that have been fixed since that release.  The
Struts-EL library evaluates attributes values using the expression
language engine used in the Jakarta Taglibs implementation of the JSTL.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jean-Michel Auguste [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sorry, I'm new with Struts. What's Struts-EL tags?
> Where can I find info please ?
> Thanks
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wendy Smoak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > I'm having the following problem.
> > > I need to display a radio button in a Jsp but the attribute
> > > "value" of this radio button must be set with the property of a
> > located in the request.
> > > How can I code that using struts tags only ?
> > > I tried the following but does not work.
> > > <html:radio property="selection" value="<bean:write name="obj"
> > property="prop"  />"  />
> >
> > Can you use the Struts-EL tags?
> > <html:radio property="selection" value="${obj.prop}" />

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