Hi all - I have the following issue w/Struts' (or maybe even the Servlet
API) role-based security model. 

If I had something like this in a JSP:

<logic:present roles="user, admin">
show an input field to change your password 

how can I - within the current confines of Struts (1.1) and the Servlet API
(2.3), instead of hardcoding the roles in the JSP (user, admin) where a
password change field (or some other common function across a set of roles)
 is presented, do something like the following:   

<logic:present permission="changePassword">
show an input field to change your password

I know the "permission" attribute currently does not exist, however, IMHO,
this (permissions based on roles) is a very valid concept. So, instead of
defining a "changePassword" _role_, I would have a 'changePassword'
permission, which would be shared among a number of roles. Clearly, being
an admin or a user is a _role_ whereas changing a password is a permission
(or a functionality or a function...)

I don't see anything of this nature that would facilitate this in Struts,
or Resin, which is what we are using to do our development... So I'm
wondering, has someone else encountered a this issue and how did they
resolve it?

Does JAAS alleviate some of this? Does it apply to Resin 2.1.x somehow?

Thank you.

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